Bossard Memorial Library generously donated 80 build-your-own-Bears and Buddies, which are frog-themed, to the Holzer Heritage Foundation. Shown pictured is Rachael Barker, Youth Services Program Coordinator, Bossard Memorial Library, and a sample of the buddy donation. These frogs will be provided to our inpatient pediatric unit for patients to build during their stay at Holzer. The entire staff of Holzer Health System joins in expressing their gratitude for this generous donation from Bossard Memorial Library, along with the young children and their families, for this generous donation to the Pediatric Unit.

As the fundraising arm of Holzer Health System, Holzer Heritage Foundation supports the mission and projects of our system to advance health services and programs for the benefit of those served. Holzer Heritage Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization with gifts received being tax-deductible to donors as allowed by current law.
For more information, please contact Amee Rees, Director, Holzer Heritage Foundation, at 740-446-5056 or arees@holzer.org.