By Dean Wright –

BIDWELL — River Valley High School seniors bid farewell to their high school and took their first steps into the world as graduates as they moved onto their respective futures, Friday evening.
River Valley Band played the traditional “Pomp and Circumstance” song which is so often accompanied with graduates marching their way into the future. River Valley Phoenix Show Choir led the National Anthem before Salutatorian Brianna McGuire made the graduation ceremony’s opening remarks.
McGuire shared her memories of school with the crowd. She noted the importance of cherishing memories and she remarked that it was similar to taking photos with her Polaroid camera. Savor the important ones.
“Do not take away a generic Google image of River Valley High School, where all you can see is a brick building and trees,” said McGuire. “Take a photo using your special Polaroid film of what really mattered during your time here. For me, the shot put ring to your right, just behind the flag pole and the discus ring both hold a place in my house of memories…These places may not be seen by many, but they will always hold a place in my heart. Whether it’s the ag room, the band room, the classroom or the lunch room that you treasure, invest a picture to make sure that these memories stay dear to you. Remember the places that mean something.”