Advance Directive Seminar Planned
Holzer Senior Care Center is planning an Advance Directive Seminar entitled: Advance Directives: What they are, When to use them, and How to get them. The seminar is planned for Thursday, August 15 from 5pm to 7pm at the Holzer Medical Center – Gallipolis ABC Conference Room at 100 Jackson Pike.
This programming is for anyone who would like to know more about advance care planning for end-of-life for themselves or a loved one, anyone who has questions about advance directives, and/or anyone who would like assistance in completing advance directive paperwork. Additional topics include DNR in the state of Ohio, medical power of attorney, living wills, and guardianship.
Holzeris proud to offer this session to provide information and tools for the public to talk about their wishes with family, friends and health care providers, and execute written advance directives (health care power of attorney and living will) in accordance with Ohio state laws. Additional Resources are available at http://www.holzer.org/visitors-and-patients/social-services/.
For more information, please call (740) 446-5001 ext. 7774.