Interested in Becoming a Community Wellness Coach?

Pamela K. Matura, Executive Director, Area Agency on Aging District 7

June 2017 Monthly Column

Pam FINALMost know the Area Agency on Aging District 7 (AAA7) for the assistance we can provide with long-term care home and community-based services, programs and resources that are available in our ten-county district.  Did you know that we also provide “Healthy Lifestyle Programs” to many of the counties in our district? These evidence-based programs help individuals learn to take control of their lives and manage health conditions.  Thanks to a network of community coaches and members of our staff, these programs are available in a number of communities throughout our ten-county district.  The AAA7 offers services in Adams, Brown, Gallia, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Pike, Ross, Scioto and Vinton Counties.

Community Wellness Coaches might be adults with chronic health conditions looking to maintain their own health or those looking to gain experience or build their resume. We currently have volunteer opportunities available for Community Wellness Coaches to help us teach these classes throughout our district. All volunteers conduct workshops using the prepared curriculum after completing a training program where they are mentored by master trainers. An essential element to these six-session workshops is that they are held in community-based settings, such as senior centers, churches and faith-based organizations, and libraries.

We are soon offering a Community Wellness Coach training for those individuals who are interested.  The training will be offered in Jackson, Ohio, in July, and will consist of five days of training.  Attendees must attend all five days in order to be certified to lead the programs.  Attendees will be provided with in-depth information needed to conduct the workshops and receive the materials at no cost.  As all workshops are designed to be facilitated by two trainers, it is strongly suggested that those interested bring someone they prefer to lead the class with them.

If you are interested in becoming a Community Wellness Coach in your community and attend the training in Jackson in July and learn more details, or to learn more about wellness opportunities through our Agency, give us a call at 1-800-582-7277, extension 22254 or 22284, or e-mail us at to learn more!