The Area Agency on Aging District 7 (AAA7) reminds the public that AAA7 and its network of service providers are considered part of the essential services during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The AAA7 serves the most vulnerable populations according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), covering ten counties in Southern Ohio including Adams, Brown, Gallia, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Pike, Ross, Scioto and Vinton.
While the Agency has had to make some modifications with business operations, the AAA7 remains open and ready to respond to the needs of older adults, their caregivers, those living with a disability, and individuals with chronic diseases. Due to the current pandemic and protocols in the State of Ohio for physical distancing, AAA7 local offices in Rio Grande, Waverly, West Union and Wheelersburg are no longer open to the public for “walk in” appointments; however, the Agency Resource Center is available via phone (1-800-582-7277) to answer questions or provide information on resources in the community. Phone lines will be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm, or you can e‐mail the Agency at info@aaa7.org.
Assistance the AAA7 can provide over the telephone includes community resources during the pandemic, information on long-term care community‐based services for seniors and those with disabilities, and general information about service providers and contacts in your local community that provide services for long‐term care in the home.
Please note that the AAA7 cannot provide medical advice over the telephone. Medical questions need to be directed to your primary care physician or local healthcare facility. For questions regarding the coronavirus (COVID‐19), please call the Ohio Department of Health at 1‐833‐4‐ASK‐ODH (1‐833‐427‐5634). A vast amount of information is also available on the Ohio Department of Health special website that is updated daily at www.coronavirus.ohio.gov. The AAA7 will also continue to post special and helpful information at its website located at www.aaa7.org on the Home Page under “Happening Now” and then “COVID-19 Information and Resources”, in addition to the AAA7 Facebook page.